Your God-Given Purpose

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Your God-Given Purpose

Finding & Fulfilling God’s Plan for Your Life

Long before you were ever born the Lord knew you. He wrote out all of your days in His book. He created you for a specific purpose and it is a purpose that only you can fulfill. He has given you dreams and desires that will propel you toward it.

But too often, we put those dreams and desires aside in order to function in the “real world.”  Discouragement, the advancement of time, and the demands of daily life threaten to rob us of our dreams.

But we must realize that those deep desires and longings, those dreams that just won’t go away are in us for a purpose — God’s purpose and plan for our lives.

Do you know what your God-given purpose is? If not, don’t worry. The Lord has made it easy for you to get on the right path to finding and fulfilling His plan for your life. And I have written this guide to help you along the way.

I invite you to join me on this journey of discovering your God-given purpose.


This 51-page eBook is available to you for FREE by subscribing below:

Your God-Given Purpose ipad

Discover Your God-Given Purpose in the following chapters:

Introduction – God Has a Plan for You
Chapter 1 – Created for a Purpose
Chapter 2 – What is Your Purpose?
Chapter 3 – Two Important Keys
Chapter 4 – The Guide on the Inside
Chapter 5 – The Desires of Your Heart
Chapter 6 – What Stirs Your Passions?
Chapter 7 – Graces, Gifts & Talents
Chapter 8 – Are You Producing Fruit?
Chapter 9 – If You Still Don’t Know
Chapter 10 – What Do You Do Next?
Bonus: – 
God-Given Purpose Scriptures
Appendix A – Estabishing Priorites
Appendix B – Setting Goals