Slow down… Nourish your spirit. Nurture your creative
soul. Live the beautiful life you were created to live.
Is there something deep within you that hungers for a more fulfilling, beautiful life?
Do you long to create, but feel overwhelmed and don’t know where to begin?
Are you tired of copying other artists’ works & want to move beyond cutesy “paint party” art?
Do you want to learn how to create art that expresses what’s deep inside you?
Would you love encouragement from a community of faith-filled women?
If so, then I would love for you to join our Beautiful Life Creative Community!
,Inside this community, we will focus on growing and cultivating our creativity by…
- Acknowledging that we are created in the image of the Ultimate Creator (Imago Dei)
- Learning how to give expression to the deep things within us
- Exploring and experimenting with multiple art techniques as well as multiple forms of art media
- Establishing routines, rituals, and margin for self-care, rest and rejuvenation
- Using our gifts to love and encourage others, and minister to the broken hearted
Monthly Content will Include:
- Scriptural encouragement
- Art journaling prompts
- Art lessons to build and improve your skills
- Creative encouragement and affirmations
- One art project from start to finish with which to decorate your home or gift to someone the Lord lays on your heart
- Plus a few surprise bonuses!

We will work with a variety of media: acrylic paints, watercolor, charcoal, fabric, and much more!