“You’ll never change your life until you change something you do
daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.”
~ John Maxwell

Dreams and goals are not the same. Your goals are what will get you to your dreams, but it’s your habits and your daily routine that will help you accomplish your goals.


It is vital that you create daily habits that will continually drive you towards your dreams. Think about what you will do daily, weekly, monthly, etc., to ensure that you reach your goals and dreams.

John Maxwell teaches a principle he calls, “The Rule of 5.” This is simply a series of five activities that you do every day that are essential to your success. I heard someone call it their “Dream Routine” and I like the sound of that, so I’ve adopted the name for myself.

Your “Dream Routine” is not your “To Do” list. Your “To Do” list will change from day to day, but your “Dream Routine” will remain consistent over time.

Yesterday, we determined our ten goals, key goals, and focus goals. But what are your DREAMS? Are your goals propelling you towards your dreams?

Besides your daily “To Do” list with activities to accomplish while working towards your goals, are there habits that you can develop that will eventually help you live your dreams?

I know that for me to continue growing and developing as a Christian that I must stay in the Word and prayer. I must also listen to other ministers or motivational teachers who will encourage me to grow. It is vital that I keep my dreams and goals in front of me so that I don’t get off track chasing rabbit trails. And finally, I must stay healthy and fit in order to fulfill God’s plan for my life.

So after careful thought and prayer, here are the five activities that I believe I need to commit to on a daily basis for my success:

  1. Spend time in the Word of God
  2. Spend time in prayer
  3. Listen to or read something that builds my faith or motivates me
  4. Review my dreams and goals to keep my vision in front of me
  5. Work out (strength training, cardio and/or stretching)

Think of five things that you can do each day that will help you move closer to them. (What works for me won’t necessarily work for you and vice versa.)

Grab a sheet of paper (or download the FREE Flourishing Life Goal Planner) and write down what your daily “Dream Routine” will be.

Create your list, then begin to practice those five habits every day until they are ingrained in your daily routine.

Be deliberate and intentional.

Next week, I’ll show you how to bring all this together and rock your daily routine!

If you want a sneak peek, download your FREE Flourishing Life Goal Planner after you subscribe to Flourish: