“I press on toward the goal to win the prize
for which God has called me…”
Philippians 3:14 NIV
Yesterday, we discussed twelve areas of life that should be in balance with each other. When all these areas are in balance, you feel happier, more peaceful, content, and fulfilled. Today I want to talk about how to determine, evaluate and break down your goals.
Ten Goals
Now that you’ve considered the various areas of your life, it’s time to choose at least ten goals that you would like to accomplish within the next 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, 6 months and/or next year.
When writing out your goals, make sure that they always align with your priorities.
What are the TOP TEN goals you would like to accomplish this year? Write them down.
Key Goals
Now, look over these ten goals, and select 2 or 3 of the most significant ones. These are your “key” goals: goals that, once achieved, will have the greatest positive impact on your life.
Write down your two or three KEY GOALS.
Focus Goal
“I focus on this one thing…”
Philippians 3:13 NLT
Out of these two or three “key” goals, choose one to be your “focus” goal. That means, you will focus mainly on it (probably the most important or most pressing one), until it is completed.
You can still work toward others, but this one focus goal should be your priority.
This goal makes all the other ones possible.
It is usually a financial goal because, let’s face it, with more money you can accomplish many of your other goals! So, put most of your time and effort toward achieving your focus goal.
Do what you have to do, learn what you need to learn, acquire the skills you need to achieve your focus goal, and consequently, all your other goals. There will be hard work required, but if you persist, you will achieve your goals and live the life you’ve dreamed of.
Write down your FOCUS GOAL.
Evaluate Your Goals
“A goal is a dream with a deadline.”
~ Napoleon Hill
Now comes the nitty-gritty, but FUN part! It’s time to evaluate your FOCUS and KEY goals.
On your sheet of paper (or in the Flourishing Life Goal Planner) take the time to answer the following questions for your focus and key goals (one at a time):
- By what date do you want to achieve this goal?
- What is the numeric value (if applicable) you want to achieve? (e.g. $5000 or 25 lbs.)
- Why is this goal important to you?
- What will you gain when you achieve this goal?
- What price are you willing to pay to achieve this goal?
- What are possible obstacles to achieving this goal?
- Why haven’t you already achieved this goal?
- What will you do differently now?
Intermediate Goals
Once you’ve answered these questions for your focus and key goals, you’ll find that there are probably several smaller goals that will need to be accomplished for each bigger goal.
Write out all the intermediate (or short-term) goals that need to be achieved to attain this major goal.
To Do List
Create a list of activities that must be completed in order to achieve the intermediate goals. This will become your “To Do” list that you can transfer to your daily planner or smart phone “Reminders” app.
Tomorrow, we’ll talk about how to bring all of these lists and goals together into a daily routine that will help you accomplish your goals and live your dreams.
If you want a head start, download your FREE Flourishing Life Goal Planner after you subscribe to Flourish:
I am loving this Alisha!!!! You are so talented in this area. When you find yourself with some “free” time…you could totally create a course (for sale). I would be your first customer! I loved your podcast + your ebook. I’m using a notebook for all of these goal setting ideas. Looking forward to a wonderful 2017…thanks for sharing all of this!
Aww, you’re so sweet, Tiffany! Thank you for always being such a wonderful encourager! <3