“Choose you this day…”
Joshua 24:15 KJV
Last week, I introduced my new Flourishing Life Goal Planner (that I was creating for myself, but decided to offer to you, my reader, as well). I believe this planner is essential to helping sort out and break down your most important goals.
So far you should have:
- Determined your vision and priorities
- Reviewed twelve essential areas of life and discovered where change is needed (or required)
- Determined your top ten goals that you desire to achieve
- Chosen a couple of key goals and one focus goal that, once achieved, will have the greatest positive impact on your life
- Evaluated these goals to determine what and how long it will take to accomplish each one
- Written out smaller, intermediate goals that are necessary to achieving the big ones
- Created a To Do List for each of the key and focus goals
- Created a Dream Routine to propel you towards your dreams
Now what?
You will want to be intentional and extremely diligent in two areas:
- Maintaining your Dream Routine each day
- Working through your To Do List on a consistent basis.
Each day, without fail, strive to complete your Dream Routine (the 5 things you will do daily to propel you toward your dreams). I highly recommend getting as many of them done in the morning as you can so you can focus the rest of the day on all the other things you need to accomplish.
Next, choose 2-3 (but no more than 3) activities from the To Do List of your focus and/or key goals to complete each day.
That’s it.
Dream Routine. To Do List. Dream Routine. To Do List. Dream Routine… Get the idea?
You are doing the things that will help you reach your goals on a consistent, daily basis. All the while, life is happening – you’re loving your husband, raising and educating your children, maintaining your home, working your job, etc.
But you’re also achieving your goals!
Don’t quit. Don’t give up – no matter how hard it is, how bad it looks, or how much your flesh doesn’t want to do it.
Keep striving for your goals and eventually, you will be living your dreams!
“I can do all things [which He has called me to do]
through Him who strengthens and empowers me to fulfill
His purpose—I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency;
I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him
who infuses me with inner strength and confident peace.”
Philippians 4:13 AMP
Tomorrow, I’ll give you a few tips to help your day run more smoothly. If you want a head start, subscribe to Flourish then download your FREE Flourishing Life Goal Planner: